The next edition of JOCMAS is due by the end of this year, 2017, and its call is focused on Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and their ramifications in the political economy of media and communications in Ghana and Africa. Our part of the world is also actively implicated in the tremendous transformations occurring in the media and communications space, a phenomenon engendered by the Internet and its associated technologies. While this phenomenon has engaged massive research attention in most parts of the global North and relatively so in the eastern and southern parts of Africa, the same cannot be said with confidence about sub-Saharan Africa. Researchers and scholars are thus invited to submit manuscripts, articles/papers, essays and book reviews on online and digital utilisations within the context of globalisation, convergence and online presence across the gamut of communication relatedness: media and journalism; public relations, marketing and advertising; digital productions; among others.
It is a wide field for exploration, and potential topics include, but not limited to:
- Online news ecology in Africa
- Understanding online communities and their communication cultures
- New and traditional media and their communication role in society
- ICT, online presence and the digital divide
- Theorising the online space in sub-Saharan Africa
- Online research and methodologies
- Social media and identity construction and representations in the online space
- Media texts, authors and audiences of online productions
- The online/digital literacies and globalisation of identity and content
The list is never exhaustive. Nevertheless, even with such a focus, the Journal still welcomes papers that address other topics related to communications, media and journalism and their engagements with society. Full contributions should reach the Journal through the e-mail address below by end of September 2017.
Mode of Submission
1. Research articles, essays and book reviews are invited. Research papers should strictly not exceed 6,500 words in length, with essays and book reviews not exceeding 2,500 words.
2. Submitted articles must include an abstract not exceeding 200 (two
hundred) words.
3. Papers/manuscripts should be submitted electronically in an MS
Word format.
4. Electronic manuscripts must be mailed to
5. The electronic submission must come in two (2) files. One should contain the title (topic) of the paper, name(s) of author(s), institutional affiliations and a brief biography of the author(s). The biography must not be more than 100 words. The second file should contain just the title (topic), the abstract and the paper (minus the name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliation(s).
6. Articles/manuscripts should follow the Harvard referencing format.
7. Further information and enquiries should be addressed to:
The Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Communications, Media & Society
Ghana Institute of Journalism
P.O. Box GP 667
Phone: +233 – 505657657/0243402806/0546971627